Hello there,
I am looking for any open source implementation of Acrobat Object Model, something along the lines of what John Resig did for javascript in [url=http://groups.google.com/group/envjs]HTLM DOM[/url]) So basically I am looking at an Acrobat Objects reference which I could use directly in my reader to render the javascript content's inside the pdf.(Which should be able to comprehend acrobat objects.)
I would greatly appreciate any help
2009-06-10 11:57:14 Registered: Feb 15 2006 Posts: 4411Well, I think you may be a bit mistaken in you idea of how Acrobat, PDF, and JavaScript are put together, but I'm not sure.
By Acrobat Object Model Do you mean the Acrobat JavaScript DOM? The DOM does not follow the structure of the PDF directly. In fact, most of the PDF structure is not availible to the JavaScript DOM. The structure of a PDF is much, much richer and more complex that anything in HTML. JavaScript in a PDF is about controling interactive elements, like form fields. Not about describing all the content in a PDF, like you have in an HTML.
So you could very well create a tool that displays a tree of PDF objects that Acrobat JavaScript will recognize. But I don't know of anyone who has done this. Mostly because its not as useful as the same tool would be in HTML.
Is this what you are looking for?