Pupil Personnel Services Credential For Individuals Prepared In California (CL-606C)

The Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential authorizes any of the following specializations: school counseling, school social work, school psychology, and the additional authorization of child welfare and attendance services. The authorization and requirements for each specialization are listed below.

The following information outlines the requirements for individuals who have completed their professional preparation program in California. Individuals prepared outside of California should refer to Credential Leaflet CL-606, entitled Pupil Personnel Services Credential for Individuals Prepared Out-of-State.

School Counseling

The specialization in School Counseling authorizes the holder to perform the following duties:

Requirements for the Clear Credential - Specialization in School Counseling

Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:

    A baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university. This satisfies both the degree requirement and the Basic Skills Requirement beginning 6/29/2024.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification

Individuals holding certification issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in the area of Early Childhood to Young Adulthood – School Counseling may apply directly to the Commission for the clear credential. Those applying under this route are exempt from the Basic Skills Requirement and all other credential requirements. Individuals may apply by submitting the following items by mail:

    Photocopy of National Board Certification.

School Social Work

The specialization in School Social Work authorizes the holder to perform the following duties:

Requirements for the Clear Credential with a Specialization in School Social Work

Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:

    A baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university. This satisfies both the degree requirement and the Basic Skills Requirement beginning 6/29/2024.

School Psychology

The specialization in School Psychology authorizes the holder to perform the following duties:

Requirements for the Clear Credential with a Specialization in School Psychology

Individuals must satisfy all the following requirements:

    A baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university. This satisfies both the degree requirement and the Basic Skills Requirement beginning 6/29/2024.

Child Welfare and Attendance

The added authorization in Child Welfare and Attendance authorizes the holder to perform the following duties:

Requirements for the Added Authorization in Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA)

Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  1. Complete a professional preparation program specializing in school counseling, school social work, or school psychology.
  2. Complete a professional preparation program in school child welfare and attendance services including a minimum of 150 clock hours of supervised school-based field experience engaging in supervised practice in the following areas: student attendance, student enrollment and discipline, educational records, parent engagement, and legal and ethical compliance related to pupil services.

California Education Code, Section 44266 and Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 80049-80049.1 and 80632-80632.5.